Guides & Videos

We’ve created some helpful guides to get you started using Visionable. Click on the links below for an in depth guide or scroll to see specific guides and videos.

Super user

General user



If you are an administrator, setting up clinics and appointments, please see the below guides and videos.

Appointment manager

Clinic statistics and logs

How to create an appointment

How to get help in clinic

How to join via email

How to schedule a call


Clinic Manager


If you’re a clinician holding video consultations with patients, take look at the below guides and videos.

Clinician experience - FAQs

How to join an appointment

Live clinic explained


Appointment manager

Live clinic


If you’re a patient and have received a Visionable virtual consultation appointment, the below guides and videos will help you prepare for you call.

Patient joining on a desktop

Patient joining on a mobile device

Patient experience - FAQs


Patient joining via SMS

Patient joining via email