Keeping friends and families together, even when they're miles apart

Connect is a secure and trusted video platform that ensures healthcare professionals, patients and family members can stay connected during hospital stays through virtual visiting.
video calls using Connect
Patients, family & healthcare professionals connected
hours using Connect
- Safe and secure - unlike other providers in market, no personal details are stored or shared when using any device
- Stay connected during critical times - it gives patients and care home residents the opportunity to be with their loved ones whilst unwell or at the end of life
- Easy to connect - No download necessary - simply enter the phone number/email and the recipients receives a message to connect right away
- Simple to implement - little set up required, simply join by web browser on your existing hardware for a quick and secure connection
- Available to all - Connect ensures all patients can receive virtual hospital visits once given access to a smart device, regardless of if they have their own
- Secure access - Accessible to all employees to use on any of their devices
Tried and tested by NHS Trusts including: